
Science4Us, VocabularySpellingCity’s sister site, has won a BESSIE Award for the Best Science Concepts Website. Science4Us is a standards-based, digitally delivered, early learning (K-2) science program.  

This is the second honor for Science4Us this month! It is a CODiE Finalist as a Best Science Instructional Solution.  And VocabularySpellingCity is also a CODiE Finalist as a Best Game-Based Curriculum Solution.

photoScience4Us is designed to provide students with a strong science foundation while building core literacy and math skills. The engaging
elementary science curriculum includes interactive activities and simulations, educational science songs, learning games and other science learning activities.

In order to create a lifelong interest in science, students need a solid foundation of fundamental concepts. Science4Us provides this knowledge during students’ formative years so they attain a deep understanding and love of science. This foundational knowledge can help lead more students to reach for the STEM-related jobs and industries of the future.

The ComputED Gazette‘s 22nd Annual Best Educational Software, or BESSIE, Awards strive to target “innovative and content-rich programs … that provide parents and teachers with the technology to foster educational excellence.” It’s a great honor to receive the award.

A BESSIE Award reviewer says:  “Science4Us is a colorful and inviting science website that young children (K-2) will enjoy as they learn fundamental science concepts.”  And also notes that the Science4Us program “excels in providing exciting, age-appropriate science material for younger students, as well as invaluable management tools for [the] teacher.”

Science4Us is structured around the 5E Instructional Model, with a blend of interactive and offline activities for students and extensive materials for teachers. In addition to 350 online activities, teacIMG_7561 (1)hers have access to over 1,000 offline activities. Cross-cutting concepts in science are weaved together with literacy, math and engineering for a perfect early education package.

In addition, Science4Us increases teachers’ comfort with and commitment to teaching science by including pedagogical and content training. Language arts and math skills are taught throughout the curriculum to provide a seamless cross-curricular experience and maximize the precious instructional time.

Both Science4Us and VocabularySpellingCity continue to accumulate industry awards; along with Science4Us, VocabularySpellingCity was also named a finalist in the 2016 SIIA CODiE Awards in the Best Game-Based Curriculum Solution category. Wins BESSIE Award for Best Science Concepts
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