Privacy Policy

Updated: December 21, 2018

Our Principles

At VocabularySpellingCity, we are guided by the following fundamental principles when it comes to your privacy:

  • We only collect personal information from you when we absolutely need it to provide you with our service.
  • We do not share your personal information with anyone unless it is required to provide or develop our service, comply with the law, or protect the rights, property or safety of VocabularySpellingCity, our users, or the public.
  • We do not store your personal information unless we need it to provide you with our service.
  • We give you control over how your personal information is used, including what is made visible to the public, seen by search engines, kept private, and deleted.

We drafted our privacy policy with these principles in mind, and designed it to comply with state and federal regulations that were enacted to protect the privacy of children and ensure the security and confidentiality of student data, including, but not limited to, the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”), the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”), the California Education Code Section 49073.1 and the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). We ask all users to take some time to review our Privacy Policy and understand our policies and procedures relating to the use of our Website, our commitment to privacy, and the access and use of data. This is important, so if there is anything you do not understand, please contact us with questions.

Privacy Policy

At VocabularySpellingCity, we consider privacy and children’s safety to be all-important.
The VocabularySpellingCity Website, or, and all its mobile apps (the “Service”) are designed to serve educational institutions, parents and students and strives to provide a safe, positive experience to help children learn. As you use the Service, we want you to be clear about how VocabularySpellingCity uses your information and the choices you have to protect your privacy.

We intend for this Privacy Policy to help you understand how we collect and use the personal information that you provide to us through the Service. This Policy explains:

  1. What information we collect.
  2. How we use that information.
  3. How is information shared.
  4. How can you access and manage the information.
  5. How we secure that information.
  6. How we let you know about changes to the policy.

I. What Information Do We Collect?

VocabularySpellingCity collects information in order to provide and enhance the Service provided to all of our users. The information we collect varies based on how you use the Service.

Information you give us

When you use the Service, we may request certain information about you. For example, when a parent or a teacher creates a free account to use the Service, we request your name and email address. If you are signing up for a Premium (paid) account, we also request your phone number, billing information, and affiliation with a school or district (if applicable). Registrants can always refrain from supplying certain information, though it may prevent them from engaging in certain aspects of the Service which require that information. Parents and educational institutions registering with the Service may create a username and password during the registration process, or, if they prefer, one may be assigned to them.

Parents or educational institutions control what information is provided to VocabularySpellingCity regarding a student. Parents or educational institutions must create a username for each student during the registration process, and either create a password for the student or ask for one to be assigned to the student by VocabularySpellingCity. VocabularySpellingCity does not require any Personally Identifiable Information, or “PII”, of the students who will be using our Service during the registration process or at any other time. Parents or educational institutions may choose to provide a student’s name or class when setting up a student’s account, in order to monitor the student’s activities and progress more easily. However, this is optional. Information that parents or educational institutions choose to provide regarding students should always be limited to information that is relevant to a legitimate educational purpose.

Information we get from your use of our services

VocabularySpellingCity collects information about your use of the Service, like when you create a word list, complete an exercise, or view and interact with your or other users’ content. This information includes:

Device information
Like most website operators, VocabularySpellingCity collects information about how users visit our site and the devices they use. We collect device-specific information (such as your hardware model, operating system version, device identifiers like IDFA and UDID, and mobile network information). VocabularySpellingCity may associate your device identifiers or other device information with your VocabularySpellingCity account to help us provide the Service to you across your devices.
We do not request access to or collect location information, such as GPS or Bluetooth beacons, from your mobile device while downloading or using our mobile apps or services.

Log information
When you use the Service, VocabularySpellingCity automatically collects and stores certain information about your activity, including:

  • Details of how you use the Service, like your search queries, clicks and site navigation information, or study activity
  • Browser type
  • Time zone
  • Referring site, and the date and time of each user request
  • Connection information like ISP or mobile operator
  • Internet Protocol (IP) address

Analytics data
We use technologies such as anonymous cookies, beacons, tags and scripts to collect and store data about our users in order to track website statistics, such as visitors, length of time on the Website, and conversion rates, to support the internal operations of our Service and further the education purposes of VocabularySpellingCity. VocabularySpellingCity also reserves the right to use aggregated, de-identified data to improve our educational products, demonstrate the effectiveness of our educational products in marketing, and develop and improve our Website, services or applications. We may share that aggregated, de-identified data with third parties to further the education purpose of our Service.

We also use mobile analytics software to allow us a better understanding of the functionality of our mobile software on your device. This software may record information such as how often you use the application, the events and activities that occur within the application, aggregated usage, performance data, and where the application was downloaded from. We do not link the information we store within the analytics software to any personally-identifying information you submit within the mobile app.

Information we get from partners and other users

Google Login
You can log in to our site using Google Login. This service authenticates your identity and provides you the option to share certain personal information with us, such as your name, date of birth, and email address, to pre-populate our sign-up form. This service may also give you the option to post information about your activities on VocabularySpellingCity’s website to your profile page to share with others within your network.

Social Media Widgets
Our website includes Social Media Features and widgets, such as the “Share This” button. These Features may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our site, and may set a cookie to enable the Feature to function properly. Social Media Features and widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our site. Your interactions with these Features are governed by the privacy policy of the company(ies) that provide them.

Students’ Information

Any students under the age of 18 wishing to use the Website must be registered by a parent, legal guardian, or school official. VocabularySpellingCity does not sell or market directly to minors and always seeks the appropriate authorization whenever we identify a minor attempting to purchase a service. Whenever we collect PII, we do so with the sole purpose of supporting the educational purposes for which the Website was designed. We do not publish or distribute any PII of students to third parties, and we try to limit access to third party sites that may request PII. We also prohibit students from publicly posting or distributing PII without prior parental consent. In addition, in an effort to further protect children who use the Website, VocabularySpellingCity does not condition a student’s participation or access to any activity on the Service on the student providing any PII or any more information than is reasonably necessary for that activity. VocabularySpellingCity does not use the prospect of a special game, prize or other activity to entice children to divulge more information than is needed to participate in an activity.

Parental Rights
Parents and legal guardians of children can consent to the collection of a child’s information as set forth in this Privacy Policy, without consenting to the disclosure of that information to third parties.

Parents or guardians can review information their children have contributed to VocabularySpellingCity by accessing their child’s account. Parents can refuse to allow VocabularySpellingCity to collect further information from their children by contacting VocabularySpellingCity at VocabularySpellingCity may ask additional questions or take other steps to verify the identity of a parent or guardian before responding to a request to review or to delete a child’s information or a request to refuse further collection from a child. Please note that VocabularySpellingCity does not delete any information that children have contributed to VocabularySpellingCity. Please check with your school’s policy for deletion of materials contributed by your child.

II. How Do We Use The Information We Collect?

We are passionate about creating engaging experiences for our users. We use all of the information we have to help us provide, maintain, protect and improve our Service and to protect VocabularySpellingCity and our users. We will ask for your consent before using information for a purpose other than those set out in this Privacy Policy:

To operate and improve VocabularySpellingCity

We use usernames and passwords of registrants’ accounts to authenticate logins, allow access to the paid content and monitor subscription compliance.We also use the
username to authenticate a registrant when requesting technical support. In order to operate the Service and personalize content, VocabularySpellingCity may use the information it collects to understand how you use and interact with our Service. We may use information to conduct surveys and research, test features in development, and analyze the information we have to evaluate and improve products and services, develop new products or features, and conduct audits and troubleshooting activities. We may also use information collected from cookies and other technologies, like pixel tags, to improve your user experience and the overall quality of our Service.
We also use the information we have to help analyze the content on VocabularySpellingCity to provide you relevant product features, such as better search results and to promote safety and security on our Service, such as by investigating suspicious activity or violations of our terms or policies


Please note that student information, student records, and student-generated content will not be used for any unauthorized purpose or disclosed to any unauthorized person or third party without express written permission from the student’s parents or the educational institutions, other than as provided in this Privacy Policy or by written contract between the educational institution and VocabularySpellingCity.

To contact you

A registrant’s email address may be used to send service-related announcements regarding the Service when it is necessary or advisable to do so; to respond to registrant’s requests for products, services, and information; and to send communications to users regarding their account or this Privacy Policy. A registrant’s email may also be used to send out the VocabularySpellingCity newsletter, and market VocabularySpellingCity Premium services, or other products and services offered by VocabularySpellingCity’s subsidiaries and affiliates, provided the registrant has opted in to receive such communications. You may choose to stop receiving emails or announcements at any time by updating your email settings within your profile or you can contact us at

Advertising & Marketing

VocabularySpellingCity does not provide any personally-identifying information to third parties for advertising or marketing purposes, and does not engage in targeted or behavioral advertising. VocabularySpellingCity allows third-party advertising companies to show certain advertisements on the Website when viewed by free users. However, we take measures to maintain the appropriateness of the advertising material to the audience of VocabularySpellingCity. These companies may use “cookies” (information a website puts on your computer’s hard drive so that the website can remember your preferences or which pages you visited on that website) or other identifiers in order to support the internal operations of the website, including, but not limited to, serving contextual advertising, helping prevent you from seeing repeated advertisements, and using analytics and other tools to improve the quality and performance of VocabularySpellingCity. However, VocabularySpellingCity is compliant with COPPA, and does not allow targeted advertisements based on user’s behavior over time. For more information about this practice and your ability to opt-out, click here.

III. How Can You Manage The Information We Collect?

Parents and educational institutions are able to review, manage, delete or edit their information as well as student information at any time by logging into their accounts. VocabularySpellingCity stores the word lists and other materials created by students so that the students, the students’ parents, or the students’ educational institutions can access it and use it only for educational purposes. Parents and/or educational institutions are in control of student-generated material and can access it at any time by logging into their accounts. VocabularySpellingCity does not automatically delete materials created by the student (e.g. word lists, activities completed) when a student’s account is closed, unless the parents or educational institution requests it in writing or it is required by contract or other agreement. However, VocabularySpellingCity reserves the right to delete all student information and student-generated material at any time after a student account has been closed, unless the deletion is otherwise prohibited by state or federal law. Therefore, parents or educational institutions are encouraged to print out any student word lists or materials they want prior to closing a student account. If a parent or educational institution requests the deletion of any student information in writing or the deletion is required by contract or other agreement, VocabularySpellingCity will delete any such student information, materials or records within a reasonable amount of time.

Information (1) directly related to a student enrolled by an educational institution and provided and maintained by that educational institution or (2) acquired directly from the student enrolled by an educational institution through activities and coursework on VocabularySpellingCity’s Website or Apps assigned to that student by the educational institution, continues to be the property of and under the control of the educational institution, and will not be retained or available to VocabularySpellingCity after the account is closed, if required by the contract between VocabularySpellingCity and the educational institution.

Collection of Information by Third Parties

Our Website contains links to sites not maintained by VocabularySpellingCity. The privacy and data collection practices on any linked sites are entirely separate from those of VocabularySpellingCity and are not covered by this Privacy Policy. Although we strive to choose business partners and third party associates who have demonstrated a commitment to user privacy and education, we are not responsible for the information, content, terms of use, or privacy policies on these third-party sites. We also cannot guarantee that student users will not go to another Website where personal information from them is solicited. Parents and educational institutions do have the option to block third-party links on the Website. To do so, please contact our support team at

IV. How Is Information Shared?

Information Shared by You

The Service offered by VocabularySpellingCity is a web 2.0 social media-type service that includes user-generated content in terms of posted word lists. Whenever a teacher or parent posts a word list on VocabularySpellingCity’s Website, the teacher or parent’s name will be displayed on the Website along with his/her association with the selected school (if applicable) and will be viewable by people and by automated systems, such as the automated indexing software utilized by Google, Yahoo, and Bing. To request removal of your personal information from these public areas, contact us at In some cases, we may not be able to remove your personal information, in which case we will let you know if we are unable to do so and why.

Information Shared by Us

VocabularySpellingCity does not share your personal information, except in the following circumstances:

With Your Consent
VocabularySpellingCity will share your information with companies, organizations, or individuals when we have your consent to do so.

For External Processing
From time to time, we share information with partners, business affiliates or third party service providers who work for VocabularySpellingCity and operate some of its functionalities, such as hosting services, streaming services and credit card processing. However, these entities are established service providers, who are bound to practice adequate security measures and only use registrant information for the sole purpose of providing the services.
From time to time, VocabularySpellingCity may wish to publish or release aggregated data that identifies a particular school by name. In these cases, VocabularySpellingCity will enter into a separate agreement with the school or obtain written authorization from the school prior to any release or publication.

To Respond to Legal or Other Requests to Prevent Harm
VocabularySpellingCity may share information with law enforcement or other third parties as required by law or if we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights or the rights of others; to prevent harm to VocabularySpellingCity, our users or the public; to enforce the Terms of Service; to detect or prevent fraud or security or technical issues; or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order or other legal process.

V. How Do We Secure The Information?

VocabularySpellingCity is committed to protecting personal data against unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification or disclosure. To this end, we have implemented reasonable and appropriate safeguards when collecting and storing student data in our database. Our servers are located in a secured, locked and monitored environment designed to prevent unauthorized entry or theft, and are protected by a firewall. The servers are also backed up to a secure offsite data center. We only store passwords in an encrypted format and we do not store any credit card information. We take extra measures to ensure the safety of PII and Student Records and apply a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL or HTTPS) encrypting technology to establish and ensure that all data passed between the server and the browser remains encrypted. Governance policies and access controls are in place to ensure that the student information linked to each parent or educator (depending on the type of account) is separated and parents and/or educational institutions only have access to their own student data. Only limited VocabularySpellingCity personnel have access to the database, and they only access the database when necessary to provide services. We follow standardized and documented procedures for coding, configuration management, patch installation and change management for all applicable servers and we audit our practices at least once a year. While we strive to maintain best industry-standard privacy and security practices, it should be noted that no industry system is fail proof. While we strive to protect personal information, we cannot guarantee, ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us.


In the event we learn of an actual data breach, loss or disaster, we will notify the affected educational institution(s) and/or parents of the affected student(s) and conduct an investigation into the breach or restore the reasonable integrity of our system without unreasonable delay. We will also coordinate with the educational institution, as appropriate, to support its notification of affected students and parents when there is a substantial risk of harm from the breach or a legal duty to provide notification.


As a condition of using the Website or Services, you agree to indemnify VocabularySpellingCity, its officers, employees, and agents against any and all liability, expenses (including attorney’s fees and court costs) and damages arising out of claims resulting from user’s use of the Website or Services, and/or anyone linking to this particular Website, including, without limitation, any claims alleging facts that if true would constitute a breach of these terms and conditions stated in this Privacy Policy.


VocabularySpellingCity takes reasonable measures to prevent the posting of profanity or other objectionable language on our website. For instance, we automatically drop known profane terms from all lists and activities. Also, we do not include certain body parts on the list of words in our library. However, VocabularySpellingCity cannot guarantee that objectionable language will never be posted on the website, and asks that parents and educational institutions inform VocabularySpellingCity immediately if any objectionable language is observed so that we can take measures to address it.


In addition, since VocabularySpellingCity is open to the public, the problems of misinformation, false identities and other risks typical of the Internet in its current state exist on VocabularySpellingCity. There is no way to verify whether someone who registers as a parent or educator at a particular school is truly that parent or educator at that school. Therefore, it is possible for a person to register and post while posing as an educator or parent when they are not actually a teacher or parent. All VocabularySpellingCity users should be aware of this possibility and take appropriate precautions. If VocabularySpellingCity suspects a fraudulent account has been set up, we will investigate and take measures to ban that account user. However, these measures are limited to closing the particular account and banning future registrations using the particular email.


Users who access the VocabularySpellingCity Website for free will see advertisements from third parties posted on the Website. Users who pay for annual Premium Memberships will not see these advertisements. VocabularySpellingCity takes measures to ensure the advertisements posted on its website are education-friendly and appropriate for all users. However, VocabularySpellingCity cannot guarantee that objectionable advertisements will never be posted on VocabularySpellingCity’s website, and asks that parents and educational institutions report any objectionable advertisements to us immediately so that we can take measures to address it.

FERPA Compliance

VocabularySpellingCity understands the obligation educational agencies, districts and school systems have to comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and supports schools in their efforts to comply with FERPA. VocabularySpellingCity only works with virtual charter schools. Parents determine the selection of software, which may only be used in a students’ home.


It is the responsibility of parents and educational institutions to supervise children using the Website and to teach them about security and privacy. We recommend that parents and educational institutions provide the following information to all children: Kids’ Rules for Online Safety.

VI. How Do We Let You Know About Changes To Our Privacy Policy?

Your use of VocabularySpellingCity is conditioned on and deemed to constitute your acceptance of these terms. Changes to this policy may be required to keep up with changing technology and threats, to add security, or as new or changed services are released. Whenever we make a change to our Privacy Policy, we will post it online for your review. We reserve the right to modify our Privacy Policy at any time, so please review it frequently. If we decide to make a material change to our Privacy Policy, we will provide you with prominent notice of the change online, by email, or by other means we deem appropriate before the material change becomes effective. Posting a revised Privacy Policy on this website will give effect to the revised terms, and your continued use of this website indicates your acceptance of any revised terms. If you do not agree to a revised policy, please notify us immediately and refrain from using our website.

VocabularySpellingCity’s mission is to maximize the educational value of this website and its usefulness to educational institutions, parents and students.

Contact Us

If you have questions or comments regarding our Privacy Policy, or need any other assistance using the Service, please contact us at:
6300 NE 1st Ave, Suite 203
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33334
(800) 357-2157