Word Unscramble


The standards correlation for this activity is coming soon!

Word Unscramble Game
Unscramble the Word
In Word Unscramble, students click and drag letters to rearrange them and correctly spell words from their spelling or vocabulary lists.

Try Word Unscramble

with a sample word list!

Note: Although this activity is designed for the grade levels above, it can also be used as a remediation or enrichment activity at any grade level with an appropriate word list.

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Building Literacy

  • Foundational Skills
  • Spelling
  • Phonics

Try the popular online game where you are tasked to unscramble the word, aptly named Unscramble! VocabularySpellingCity allows you to import your own spelling lists into our unscramble game to help young learners practice spelling skills. With this game, your students can recognize spelling patterns in grade level appropriate words!

What? The goal of spelling and phonics instruction is for students to be able to recognize and spell words accurately so they can focus their attention on the meaning of the words. More...Less

Students’ foundation should start with smaller units, then progress to larger units with root words, prefixes, suffixes, and multisyllabic words to help build word recognition. Lesson plans should include activities that help students see patterns, as well as show them how to use patterns or word parts, in order to be able to encode and decode words with automaticity. As they progress they can unscramble words that are longer and more complex!

When? Spelling is introduced as soon as students enter kindergarten and learn about the alphabet and letter-sound correspondence. More...Less

Spelling follows a progression starting with basic spelling patterns, like CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words, as well as words that do not follow phonetic patterns, like sight words. Throughout elementary school, students study increasingly complex phonetic patterns in order to achieve spelling mastery. Additionally, students must learn how to read and write words found in content areas, words they need when writing, and words they are exposed to in environmental print that they see around them every day, such as signs, logos, and labels.

How to teach: Phonics and spelling practice should be explicitly taught, and students need time to practice. More...Less

Spelling practice doesn’t have to be boring! When spelling practice is fun, students are motivated to study and are more likely to do so independently. Word Unscramble interactive game makes spelling practice fun! Teachers can assign this game during literacy centers or for spelling homework.

Play to learn: In Word Unscramble, students click and drag letters to rearrange them and correctly spell words from their spelling or vocabulary lists. More...Less

Students must spell the word correctly before the game continues. If they get stuck, they can use the "Hint" button to hear the word read aloud. Students can choose from two different scenes for this game. The younger students may prefer to unscramble the words on a caterpillar. The older students unscramble the words on the night sky background.

Teaching Tip: Word Unscramble is a great way for students to self-check or review their spelling words before an assessment. A printable version of the game can also be generated.

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