Improve Your Writing Skills

Time4Writing teaches writing courses for elementary, middle school and high school students. Time4Writing’s certified teachers provide eight-week tutorial courses for:

  • Students who don’t get enough writing practice and feedback from their schools
  • Students who want additional writing instruction to prepare for high stakes tests
  • Homeschool families that like the external evaluation and guidance on writing
  • Students who need extra writing practice to help sharpen their skills
  • Students who lack confidence in their writing
  • Students who enjoy writing and need constructive feedback to improve
If you are interested in finding out what courses are available and how they work, click to find out about Time4Writing’s online writing courses.

Time4Writing courses cover the basic mechanics of writing, as well as sentence, paragraph and essay writing. The material consists of guided lessons, activities, quizzes and writing assignments.

Students will be able to communicate with their teacher via the virtual campus. They will have 24-hour access to eight weeks of material and can work on their own daily schedule.

In addition to phone and email support, teachers are available to parents via email and will keep them updated on their child’s progress with a mid-course and end-of-course report. Students also receive a certificate of completion.

Some feedback about Time4Writing from parents and students….

“I am glad I took this writing course. It has helped me to become a better writer.”
– Middle School Mechanics course student

“My daughter’s writing is above average for her age. Because of this, her teachers at school always give her praise, but no real solid feedback on how to improve her writing. With Time4Writing, she got both.”
– Parent of an Advanced Middle School Essay student

“I have really enjoyed this class because it has improved my writing. I found some of the work challenging, but I am always up for a good challenge.”
– High School Essay course student

“As a homeschooling mom, I am so relieved to find a course that allows my child access to objective feedback from a writing instructor.”
– Parent of an Elementary Paragraph Writing student

Time4Writing provides some useful resources for people teaching or learning to write:

Time4Learning, a sister service of Time4Writing, teaches writing as part of an integrated Language Arts curriculum using writing software integrated within a full interactive language arts curriculum. The key difference is that Time4Writing courses are personalized eight-week tutorials with a teacher who gives weekly personal feedback to the students on their writing. Time4Learning is an interactive comprehensive automated Language Arts and Math curriculum.