Kindergarten Math Vocabulary

Common Core State Standards Overview for Kindergarten Math

Counting & Cardinality
  • Know number names and the count sequence.
  • Count to tell the number of objects.
  • Compare numbers.
Algebraic Thinking
  • Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from.
Number & Operations in Base 10
  • Work with numbers 11-19 to gain foundations for place value.
Measurement & Data
  • Describe and compare measurable attributes
  • Classify objects and count the number of objects in each category
  • Identify and describe shapes.
  • Analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes.

These math word lists, based on the Common Core Kindergarten Math Standards, have been created for parents and teachers to use with our interactive vocabulary games as supplements to the Kindergarten math curriculum. Their purpose is to help students comprehend key elementary math concepts by learning grade level-appropriate academic vocabulary through context-rich sentences and clear definitions.

You can import the word lists into your account and use with any of our 35+ activities. Grade level-appropriate activities are recommended below.

The following games are recommended for Kindergarten Math Vocabulary Lists.

Which Final Sound? allows students to practice recognizing the final sound in a word.

Play Which Final Sound? with a Kindergarten Math list.

Read-A-Word allows students to practice their reading and literacy skills.

Play Read-A-Word with a Kindergarten Math list.

Alphabetize allows students to practice alphabetizing words.

Play Alphabetize with a Kindergarten Math word list.